What is the Mobile First Strategy in App Development & Website Development?

What is the Mobile First Strategy in App Development & Website Development?


When we digitize our services i.e. Website development or App development, what should we focus First on?


What is a mobile-first strategy?

  • The mobile-first strategy is a movement of website development by a developer to design a website for smartphones, tablets and mobile devices.

  • With this strategy, a developer will bear in mind the limitations of any mobile platform when building a website.

  • He will then either improve or copy the site for desktop use.

How Can an App Development agency Implement Mobile-First Strategy(MFS)?

  • The company’s web presence is designed as simple as possible for mobile devices first and desktops second.

  • Then it can be upgraded with additional features that are only accessible to desktop users.

  • This is advantageous for mobile users especially for apps such as GPS, inbuilt cameras and many more, which are unavailable to desktop users.

  • MFS also eases connections with customers, as smartphones are the first thing people grab in the morning and are always in the palm of your hand.

  • The data and information collected by companies by smartphone users can be used to personalize experiences for customers, which can lead to a better user experience and greater revenue.

  • With the help of the mobile-first strategy, companies can have open chats, interact with consumers in more meaningful and efficient ways.

  • The MFS enables finely targeted communications that help consumers make more informed purchase decisions faster.

  • Companies will no longer need to cast a wide net through mass marketing campaigns to promote their products.

What are Important Elements of Mobile First Strategy?

1. Analyzing Your Customers:

Identify your primary audience, understand their choices, decision drivers, what kind of devices they are likely to use and so on.

2. Knowing Your Vendor Ecosystem:

You will need a specialist vendor like Ad2Brand for Mobile App Development and Mobile Responsive Website Development to ensure that your mobile strategy is on track. e.g.if you are enabling online chat, you will need a platform provider that is connected to a Tier 1 or 2 aggregation that gives you access to wireless carriers.

3. Making an Adaptive Website:

Ensure that your website supports all kinds of mobile devices as well as browsers which will facilitate attracting all customers.

4. Getting Responsive:

The developer should always make sure that the website is responsive and it provides the optimal viewing experience across a range of devices.  The information or content of the company’s website should be viewable and accessible completely, regardless of which device is being used, and it should be responsive to that viewing preference.

5. Bearing in mind that People Do Not Pay the Way They Used To:

Your website should have mobile-friendly payments methods which are secure and fast.

6. Innovating:

Technological innovations will allow you to stay ahead of the competition. For example, allowing your customers to interact with an intelligent agent that offers a human-like voice interface.



  • As you can see, you can adopt the Mobile-first Strategy for your business and reap higher rewards in terms of customer interaction or feedback.
  • Contact Ad2Brand to know more and understand if the Mobile First Strategy is right for your business.

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